Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Photo critique..

So here's a picture I found on with three girl simultaneously jumping up in the air. The three are all wearing the same clothes and jumping at the same height witch leaves me to believe that this picture was probably set up. It's possible that they could of all been wearing the same thing and randomly decided to jump in the air for a photo but if I were to bet I would say they set it up long in advance. So I really like this picture. they put the label "Don't Worry, Be Happy" on the photo witch is very fitting. the girl in the middle is making a goofy face while the other two girls on the side are just looking happy. I really like this picture. It gives off a really good vibe. Like some of the comments on the picture state, the colors are really vibrant witch makes for a great visually apealing photo. The picture almost looks like the three girls might just be one girl that took three pictures of herself jumping in different places and put them together in photo shop or something. I don't know if the pictures set up or not but one things forsure, its a great shot of people in a good landscape with faces and distinct features sticking out and that makes for one great picture.

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